The Doctor Who Ratings Matrix


What is the Doctor Who Ratings Matrix?

Ever wanted to compile the definitive ranking of all of Doctor Who?  Well, now you can!

The Doctor Who Ratings Matrix is a single macros-enabled MS Excel file that allows you to rate, rank, and visualise your preferences for over 300 Doctor Who stories in the one place.

Download it here.


1. Open MS Excel workbook "Doctor Who Ratings (from New To Who) - Blank".

2. Press the "Enable Macros" button, if prompted.

3. If prompted, press the "Enable Content" button in the pale yellow bar that now appears along the top.  You will find yourself in the TARDIS Console Room.

4. Otherwise, proceed to click on the "Rate every Doctor Who story" icon from within the TARDIS Console Room.

5. You will now be able to enter your scores for the First Doctor.  Please score out of 100, as this will allow for greater distribution of stories and avoid the bunching of scores as happens when marked out of 10.

6. Proceed through to score each story for each Doctor.  Please remember to score out of 100.

7. You can review your scores by clicking on each icon of the twelve Doctors, should you need.

8. Once you have rated each story, return to the Console Room by clicking on the "Return to Console Room" button from the Twelfth Doctor page.

9. Review a summary of your scores by pressing on the "Summary" tab from the Console Room.  You will be able to see your average ratings and rank for each Doctor's era as well as for each season/series.  You will also see the rating and rank for your top and bottom story for each Doctor. You can return to the Console Room by clicking on the "Return to Console Room" banner along the top.

10. Review detailed lists of your scores by pressing on the "Rankings" tab from the Console Room.  You will be able to see your average ratings for each Doctor's era, your average ratings for each season/series, and a rank list of each story as rated by you.  You can return to the Console Room by clicking on the "Return to Console Room" banner along the top.

11. Review a series of charts by clicking on the "Graphs" tab from the Console Room.  On the first graph, you will be able to see a graphical representation of your ratings for each Doctor, and all seasons and series over time.  

12. Click on the "Next graph" button in the top right hand corner of the graph to see a distribution of your ratings, as banded into 5 point intervals.  The shape of an expected, normal distribution around a mean (average) of 50 appears in yellow to compare how you have rated each of the over 300 stories.  Ideally, you will see a good distribution of scores.  Avoid 'clumping' your scores; you should aim to 'spread' your ratings.

12. Click on the "Next graph" button in the top right hand corner of the graph to see a distribution of your ratings, this time by each point along a hundred point scale.  Again, the shape of an expected, normal distribution around a mean (average) of 50 appears in yellow so that you may compare how you have rated each of the over 300 stories. Ideally, you will see a good distribution of scores.  Avoid 'clumping' your scores; you should aim to 'spread' your ratings.

13.  You may cycle back through these three graphs by clicking on the "Previous graph" button, or you may return to the Console Room by clicking on "Return to the Console Room".

14.  If you wish to revisit and/or adjust your ratings, you may do so by going through the "Rate every Doctor Who story" tab on the Console Room landing page.



© @steedstylin 2017 & 2022

Still not sure how this all works?  Try downloading this version, which has Our Steven's ratings already loaded up in it.  

Download it here.

While you're here, why don't you check out our podcasts, available here on our website or on iTunes or the podcatcher of your choice?

We promise it'll be more fun than rating every Doctor Who episode ever!